Wednesday, December 08, 2010


December 8th is a very popular national holiday in Italy. The whole country celebrates it, and it's the mark of the official beginning of the Christmas season, kind of like American's Thanksgiving. The Holiday is called the Immaculate Conception Day and celebrates the day that Jesus was conceived in Mary through the Holy Spirit. What I can't figure out is why this holiday is only a few weeks before Christmas, the celebration of Christ's birthday...? I guess that's just the day the Italians chose to celebrate. Otherwise Mary had a pretty short pregnancy!

All the kids are out of school, which would normally mean everything else is closed too, but since Christmas is so near, all the shops are open for holiday shopping, families are out, and best of all, Babbo Natale (Santa) is here to greet the children!

I'm watching the kids this morning and we're going to the park. The weather has been beautiful lately, so it's quite pleasant to be outside. Later this afternoon, we're going to see Santa in town! However, Maria Vittoria is convinced that it's not the real Santa, because the real Santa doesn't want to be seen by children. Maybe it's just someone from the North Pole helping him ;-)

There's an Italian proverb that is traditionally quoted on this holiday. It rhymes and flows nicely in Italian, although the English translation isn't quite as eloquent. It goes something like this: If you wear something new on the day of Mary, you'll be saved from one sickness that year. According to tradition, the "something new" is supposed to be a piece of clothing touching your skin, so this past weekend Zoila went out and bought new socks for the whole family. Today, I've got my new socks on and am ready to enjoy the beautiful day. Hopefully the proverb holds true and I can be spared getting the inevitable cold this winter. So, Happy Immaculate Conception Day! Here's to happiness, a beautiful Christmas season, and good health!

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