Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Art Gallery

Come on in!!!

Welcome!... To the official Art Collection of the Pugliese Residence. Come inside and tour our 4 galleries of extravagant, creative, and colorful artwork, all created by the three talented artists Maria Vittoria, Cesare, and Sarah! In our gallery you will find everything from marker on copy paper to homemade greeting cards to pencil and marker on cardboard cutouts. Please, take a minute to walk through our galleries and enjoy these beautiful masterpieces! You wouldn't want to miss this!

As you enter our exhibit, please take note of the door as you walk through. This glass portal serves as the perfect entrance to the exciting exploration you are about to embark upon, featuring the artists' best and proudest work and illustrating only a small taste of the many one-of-a-kind pieces found exclusively in the Pugliese Gallery.

The first gallery we will enter is the innovative work of Maria Vittoria. At six years of age, Maria Vittoria demonstrates skill and expertise with the marker as she captures every day scenes with a simplistic yet realistic perspective on daily activities. 

For No One
Figure Skaters on Ice
Father Christmas and his Helpers

The Apple Tree
Unrequited Love: A broken-hearted girl refuses the kiss of a long-past lover

Please enter now into the Hall of Monsters, our featured exhibit, completed by master artist Cesare, at the mere age of three. His series of monsters illuminates his true passions - Bad Witches, T-Rexes, and Scary Monsters - and is overflowing with artistic expression. Cesare incorporates various elements of these "bad" characters into each of his drawings, meticulously working to make every detail precise and exact, including the red nail polish on the witches, the long pointy hair, and the big sharp teeth. Notice a pattern of similarity in the artist's monsters, all drawn with similar shapes and forms but always using different colors, sizes, and slightly different variations of the monsters' eyes, ears, and noses.

Happy Monster
Big Teeth Monster
Dark Monster
Hairy Monster
Long-Hair Monster
Twin Monsters
Rainbow Monster

Our next gallery is a slightly different type of collection, composed mainly of hand-drawn duplicates of previously created artwork. Sarah, the artist, spent much time reproducing pieces of art on request for the other artists, and consequently developed a skilled eye for mirroring images in story books, on movie covers, and of actual figurines. The observer should note that there was no tracing involved in the artist's techniques and all the fill-coloring was completed by her accomplices. Special thanks goes to Disney for providing the subject matter.

Kiss the Girl - a special, highly anticipated request from Maria Vittoria
Tre Cuccioli -  inspired by animal figurines
"The Wonderful Thing about Tiggers..."
The Never-Ending Story
Aristocats - figurine-inspired
Bob and Larry - with captions by Maria Vittoria

The last piece in this collection is not a replica of other art but is rather an original work created by the brilliant duo, Cesare and Sarah, utilizing abstract concepts to create a colorful and unique representation of the King of the Jungle.

Rainbow Lion

A stand-alone piece in a hallway nook, this lone man offers a solitary flower to an unseen lover or friend. This piece is a hand-drawn replica of a character from a story book, with absolutely no tracing used by Maria Vittoria to complete the masterpiece.

And now for a ride up the elevator to the fun and bright second floor, filled with Christmas cheer and holiday spirit!

On a cold and rainy afternoon in December, the three artists, along with their instructive benefactor, Zoila, delved into an ambitious holiday project: homemade Christmas decorations. Copies were made (one for each artist), figures were cut out, and the coloring race began. After both Cesare and Maria Vittoria had expressively generated new Christmas creations, the images were mounted together on cardboard and shaped into their own unique decorations. The decor was finally completed when a string was tied on the tip and each figure was hung in a row at the top of the window. For the rest of the holiday season, the cheery trimmings dangled, swirled, and sparkled in the glow of blinking red and green Christmas lights.

Colored Figures mounted on cardboard prior to cut-out


A Close-up of four figures meticulously colored by Cesare
The following three pictures were created by Maria Vittoria upon inspiration from Christmas songs such as Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.

Christmas medley - a collaboration of Maria Vittoria and Sarah
Christmas Love
Rudolph the Happy Reindeer!

In a effort to direct the energies of her constant flow of creativity, Maria Vittoria continues to deploy her artistic sills in the creation of advertisements and greeting cards. Come browse the diverse compilation of cards and signs with topics ranging from regrets to greetings.

Outside cover of a card - acknowledging artist's regrets
Inside Cover - expressing love and apologies
Heartbreak Metamorphosis - Artist Maria Vittoria's demonstration with pen of the three stages of heartbreak: a whole heart (middle), a broken heart (bottom), and a mended heart (top), restored with Scotch tape.
Christmas Greeting Card #5 - submitted for public display only upon completion of the fifth attempt, in artist agreement with meeting standards of perfection
Artist's flyer for awareness of missing Barbie shoe. Instructions inform on-lookers to "Find it right away!"

Moving on from the greeting cards and posters, we have a small exhibit of watercolors, painted on regular copy paper with a water color set the artists received for Christmas.

Sunshine Flower - employing the pastel palette of Monet as well as the shared subject matter of nature's beauty
Color Burst - a more abstract exploration of water colors by Cesare

The next room in our art collection includes the collaborated efforts of Cesare and Sarah, with the basic outline drawn by Sarah and the expert coloring completed by the hardworking Cesare.

Monster Truck
Dinotopia - a compilation of Cesare's favorite dinosaur stickers that could no longer fit in the book designed to hold them


As you conclude your visit to our art exhibit, please take your time with the very special room you will pass through on your way out. This room contains hand-crafted, delicate clay creations, designed specifically according the the vision of artist Cesare. Each dinosaur was formed with scrupulous care, ensuring a stable and sound structure, sculpted to withstand rough handling from observers and children. In addition, several dinosaurs were constructed, each time attempting to better please the visionary artist with "Big Teeth" which were called to be distinctly apparent in the mouth of the dinosaur.

Dinosauro #1 - although a sound construction, this dinosaur sculpted by Sarah disappointed the visionary artist due its inability to portray the dinosaur's teeth with fierceness and grandeur
alternate view of Dinosauro #1
Dinosauro #2 - sculpted by Zoila, this dinosaur came closer to pleasing the visionary artist, yet still lacked the fear-instilling effect he was hoping for
Dinosauro #3 - A successful creation by Zoila of the visionary artist's perfect idea of a Dinosauro Dentoni (Dinosaur with Big Teeth)
Visionary Artist Cesare Pugliese, smiling contentedly with the winning sculpture of Dinosauro Dentoni
Maria Vittoria, enjoying the alternate sculptures for their aesthetic value

And that concludes our art gallery! Thank you so much for visiting. We hope you enjoyed the talent and expertise that you were able to gaze upon during your visit and look forward to seeing you at the unveiling of our next special exhibit. Come back and see us anytime!

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