Monday, August 08, 2011

Meet the Interns!

Here at G42, we have 10 interns this semester that are studying and participating in the Leadership Academy. We live together, eat together, go to class together, hang out together, go on trips together, laugh together, and cry together. Since there's so much "togetherness" between us all, I figured I'd take the time to introduce you to them:

Brook Armistead
The Southern Bell 
Bold, in-your-face, tell-it-like-it-is kinda girl, filled with joy, wise advice, and simplicity. Hairdresser. Wants to lead mission trips for college students. 30. From Alabama.

Lynsey Neal
 The People-Lover
Spunky, lively, and determined girl who knows where she's going and will get there no matter what the cost. Wants to start a night ministry/cafe/music venue for young adults in Antigua, Guatemala. 27. From Seattle.

AnnieRose Taylor
The Song of Joy
Sweet, loving, gentle, and also a little crazy, but filled with authority and wisdom beyond her years. Wants to be a hairdresser. 24. From New Mexico.

Allison Schwartz
The Soul-Laugher
Wild and crazy in every sense of the words, but sensitive and real, a girl who's not afraid to march to the beat of her own drum. Wants to start a community house in the States. 28. From Florida.

Nate Evans
The Two-Time World Racer
This guy's got it together - passionate and steadfast, always looking for a way to help and the next biggest challenge. Wants to pastor a church. 26. From Illinois.

Evin Feit
The Fighter
Disciplined, quiet, and solid gal with powerful strength, both inside and out, that will fight and defend to the core. Wants to continue serving in the emergency services field in the Army. 23. From Colorado.

 Grant McGuire
The Movie-Maker
A hard-working and knowledgeable story-teller, this Cali guy knows what it means to overcome and to rise up, and never without a joke or prank along the way. Wants to start his own business using his movie-making skills. 26. From California.

Sarah Hetrick
The Adventurer
(That's right - I'm throwing myself in here :) )
Sensitive, transparent, and full of love for people, I'm a girl who, somehow in the midst of tons of fears, is always seeking new adventures and willing to take risks to find the best that life may bring. Wants to love Europeans. 23. From Texas.


Jenny Telfer
The Fireball
Compassionate, caring, and incedibly sweet, this woman will knock you off your feet with her quick wit and wry humor. Wants to love the outcasts. 29. Married to Chris. From Colorado.

Chris Telfer

The Music Man
A man of wisdom, humor, and incredible musical talent that uses his eloquence and creativity to make complicated things make sense to anyone. Wants to serve the vision of G42 alongside his wife. 28. From Colorado.


  1. This is really really good. I love you guys and how completely different you all are...... Bec x
    ( I didn't know what it was asking with all the URL stuff so I hit anonymous! ;o)

  2. Ahhh, what good looking people! haha :) filled with passion, joy and potential! awesome hearing about everyone's vision! ya'll are as amazing as ever! lots of love to you all!
