Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Music Man

If you guys remember from my Meet the Interns blog, last term (July - September) we had a young married couple as part of our group - Chris and Jenny Telfer. In the blog, I nicknamed Chris as the Music Man for his obvious talent and skill within the music realm. Over the course of the semester, we got the privilege to hear Chris' musical genius on a regular basis, whether it was strumming quietly for fun while we were all studying, singing out over someone in prayer, practicing a new song, or leading a worship night for our house.

Before I came to G42, Jenny had posted on their blog a video (below) of Chris singing a worship song that I know quite well. I remember listening to it and thinking about what an awesome voice he has and how exciting it was going to be to have him lead worship for us (which it certainly was!). I even briefly considered for a minute that it would be really cool to be able to sing back up for him sometime, but with no expectation of that ever happening.


Chris spent a lot of time throughout the semester writing new songs, recording them in a back room in his apartment with his recording equipment, and even making some music videos for the songs with the help of other interns. One day, he approached me and told me about a new song he was working on. He had planned to have Grant film a music video for him, but unfortunately circumstances changed when Grant had to leave early because of his mom. Much to my surprise, Chris asked if I would consider filming the music video for him. 

Let me tell you - I have never made a video in my life, let alone a music video for an artist who is diligently working to boost his music career. I had no idea why Chris would ask me of all people (I have photography experience... not video!), but I was thrilled at the idea and thought it would be a great learning experience for me, plus I loved the thought of being able to help him out.

I happily agreed, with a warning that I would definitely need some help and instruction along the way, which Chris and Jenny were fully able to give as Jenny is an experienced photographer and Chris has a secret skill of editing in Final Cut Pro. That meant all I had to do was film, and Chris would take care of editing it and putting it all together. 

Plus.... Chris wanted some backup vocals for the song, which even more surprisingly he asked me to do as well. And I must say, it is certainly a privilege and an honor to sing with a musician as talented as him! 

So we recorded our parts and headed up one afternoon to the top of our street to spend an hour or so filming the music video. It's simple, but it was a great experience and we had lots of fun! I really had no clue what I was doing, but Chris and Jenny did a great job helping me, and I learned tons of new techniques about filming. 

Here it is. Hope you enjoy! :

Chris and Jenny graduated from G42 in September and are now back at home in Texas trying to work and save up money before they come back to serve as leaders at G42 for a few years. Chris is in the process of starting his own recording studio, with the hope of using the money to fund his and his wife's dream of starting orphanages in India someday. Like the sign in the video says, Big Dreams - Need Support.

If you like the song, you can buy it here, along with other original songs by Chris Telfer.

Also, don't forget to check out!

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