Saturday, November 05, 2011

To Build a Home: Part II

Jesus came to give us life, and life abundant.

He has called us to be people of character...

but instead we are only adding to the brokenness of the world. 

He is tired of us tearing down when He has called us to build.

His only desire for us is to live life abundantly, in relationship with Him.

And why in relationship with Him? Because that's where our reservoir is. 

In Him, we learn what love really looks like - not a conditional love that comes and goes and changes based on feelings... 

But a covenantal love that cannot be shaken,
that cannot be abandoned,
that cannot be taken away or lessened,
and that absolutely cannot cause brokenness

If only we would understand this kind of love, an unchanging love that does not get up from the table no matter what, then by the power of Him alive and at work inside of us, we might actually be able to build and restore!

We can build beautiful and healthy relationships between man and wife.
We can build whole families that support, encourage, and provide for each other.
We can build children of character that treat others right, that understand values like justice, mercy, honor, and forgiveness.
We can build communities where people share what they have...

Where those who are in need are provided for, where neighbors 
truly love and care for each other, where friends gather in homes 
and eat and celebrate together, and where tears never 
fall without a friend's arms wrapped around. 

No backstabbing, no cheating, no ruthless fighting, no hoarding or selfishness, no greed or gossip - but true, genuine love between people on this earth.
I know, I know…
 I am painting a seemingly unrealistic ideal...
but THIS is the life that God intended for people to live on this earth!

It's how things are meant to be.

And it's how God wants to get them back to being.

All we have to do is let Him love us, let Him pour out this kind of unconditional, covenantal love upon us,

and when we finally understand a small piece of it, when we can see it and can finally conceive of it, then we can begin to build with that same kind of love as a foundation.

Then, instead of deciding that we're unhappy with our lives and consequently getting up from the table that we promised years ago we'd never leave and thus abandoning our children and leaving them to try to learn and understand values on their own that they've never seen examples of…

INSTEAD of that,
we can build a whole family of
 and assurance.

 Leading our children, raising up people who see love, who know what it is, and who can fight in strength to bring love, healing and wholeness to the broken places of the world, and thus bring hope for a good life for the next generation.
It is our choice.

We can be like everybody else. We can be selfish. We can add more brokenness to this world. OR we could do what we can to stop it. 

We can start with ourselves, in our own homes, with our own families.

We can show the rest of the world that wholeness can exist and that people can live abundant lives with family, friends, Joy, Love, and Strength.

But it's our choice if we want to build or tear down.

Will we walk away from the table, from our lifelong commitment and tear down what has been built? 
Or will we find someone, make covenant, and build together to create something whole in the midst of a broken world?

THIS is life abundant.
And THIS is all that God wants for us.

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