Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Few Concerns

On another note,

I have a few concerns that I'm dealing with right now....

First of all,

                                         Harry Potter is coming out on Friday!!!!

which I am totally thrilled about.... Until I realized that... oh ya! I'm in Italy!!

So basically, there is no way I'll be able to find HP7 playing in English anywhere around here. :(
I'm trying to figure out what to do. Maybe Florence or Rome will have an English language theater? But even still... it's probably going to be completely sold out on Thursday night and Friday. And that's the best part of seeing the movie! I love all the buzz and excitement in a full theater, especially when everyone is dressed up!! So I have to figure something out soon, because I really want to see the movie this weekend! Any suggestions??

And onto problem number two. This one's a little more serious.

I knew it would be a struggle finding a church to attend once I got here, but I guess I didn't realize that there would actually be no churches. Ok wait... I can't say that. There are thousands of churches. But they are ALL Catholic with the exception of only a couple Anglican churches. And on top of that... yes I'm in Italy. They all speak Italian here!

So I am facing three months here in Italy, with no chance of attending any sort of Protestant church or worshiping with other believers that speak my language. There is a baptist church in Rome (one...only one), but that's really not something I'll be able to do every weekend since it's so far. I'm just shocked that there is so little Evangelical movement here in Italy. There is definitely a need for the Italian people to experience truth and light, aside from all the traditions and rituals they practice every week. Our God is a Living God and the Gospel is powerful and active, and I feel like so many people here have forgotten that! I did some research online to try to find missionaries or people serving here, and I couldn't seem to find anyone. That just astounds me because there is just as much of a need here as there is in places like Africa or China where missionaries go all the time. So it's definitely given me something to think about.

But in the meantime, if you are reading this and happen to know of any Christians serving or living in Italy, particularly in the Umbria area, please contact me through facebook, because I would love to connect with them! It would be really great to find some other believers and to join them wherever they attend worship, even if it's in their home.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah!

    I'm happy you're blogging about your adventures! It's great reading your stuff. I was wondering about the church situation over there and it doesn't surprise me very much about what you've said. (I know that's not much comfort, but bear with me.) I've been praying for you weekly since P.S. and I will definitely add this to my list for you. Perhaps you are supposed to bring the gospel to some people there? Remember, God can use anyone! Btw, I will be looking around for any info on missionaries in Italy.
