Sunday, November 14, 2010

First Weekend in Italy

Things I did this weekend:

  • Walked through a street fair in the center of Foligno
  • Attempted to make friends with the only English speaking girl I've come across in Foligno so far. She works in my favorite cafe :) 
  • Explored the ancient walls and arches surrounding Foligno
  • Listened to a traveling marching band in a piazza
  • Hiked through the beautiful hilltop town of Spello to watch the sun set over the Umbrian countryside
  • Ate pizza for breakfast, pizza for lunch, made myself pasta for dinner, and then had gelato for a bedtime snack :) 
  • Had Sunday lunch at Nonno and Nonna's (grandparents) with the cousins, aunts, uncles, and even the dog! Delicious homemade Italian meal complete with lots of laughing, lots of noise, and of course... good wine!
  • Took a leisurely stroll with the family through the city of Perugia
  • Walked inside ancient medieval walls of the castle Rocca Paolina, once the fortress for Perugia
  • Attended Sunday night mass at Foligno's cathedral of San Feliciano....all in Italian
  • Had HAMBURGERS for dinner and have never been happier to eat ketchup and mustard!!

So, as you can see, I had a very eventful and fun weekend! It was really great to get some time off and have a chance to relax and explore. I'm very much looking forward to the fun adventures I'll get to have on the weekends while I'm here!

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